As election day approaches, will you join me in praying for our country?
With the upcoming election, I was challenged this week by 2 Chronicles 7:14- “If my people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”
I was encouraged this week when our pastor at WM explained that regardless of WHO is elected tomorrow to be the next president, it is our responsibility as citizens to PRAY… that we would be used by God to speak truth and be a light in this world.
You know, we keep expecting the next president to “change America,” but, really… it starts with us as individuals. It’s time to seek His face as we make our way along this journey.
Paul tells us in Romans 12:2-3 “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds… for by the grace given me I say to everyone of you: Do not consider yourselves more highly than you ought, but rather, think of yourself with sober judgment in accordance with the measure of faith God has give you…” I’m humbled because WHO AM I to think I actually deserve certain things like freedom, mercy, love & salvation? No, these are incredible gifts that are given to me by my Savior because he loves me more than I can imagine!
In the same way, I’m challenging myself that my “attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.. who made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant… (Philippians 2:5-7) as I think about and speak about this election & our country’s future.
I’ve included the link to the podcast from my church on Sunday {November 3}. It was a truly an encouraging approach & I encourage you guys to listen to it if you can!
Click here to see the podcast.
WM provided us with another great resource I wanted to share. It’s from the Included are 31 ways to pray for our country’s leaders, the body of Christ and our nation. I’m challenging myself to pray for America as I seek to glorify God’s name in my own home, community, government and nation and I challenge you too:
To my precious Lord and Savior,
1. Thanksgiving: Thank you for all the bountiful blessings You have poured out on our country… {1 Thess. 5:16-18}
2. Humility: As we humble ourselves in prayer and seek You and turn from our wicked ways, we thank You for the promise to hear, to forgive and to heal our land. {2 Chronicles 7:14}
3. Repentence & Forgiveness: Thank you that as we genuinely repent, You extend Your mercy and pardon. Please lead us to an understanding of how far we have strayed as a nation. We humbly and sincerely ask for Your forgiveness and restoration. {1 John 1:9}
4. Leaders: Please give our leaders ears to hear Your widom and guidance, and the discernment, courage and strength to carry out Your direction. We ask, Father, for You to move their hearts to honor You as their highest Authority. {Proverbs 21:1}
5. The Law: Please awaken and lead our people and our leaders to a reverent understanding and adherence to Your laws. {Hebrews 10:16}
6. Justice: We ask for leaders, a judicial system and judges who adhere to the original intent of our founding documents and their many connections to biblical principles. {Deuteronomy 1:16-17}
7. Domestic Tranquility: We ask You for law enforcers, first responders and law makers of integrity, and for Your direction, correction and protection for them and their families. {Psalm 122:7}
8. The Common Defense: We ask You for law enforcers, first responders and law makers of integrity, and for Your direction, correction and protection for them and their families. {Psalm 18:2}
9. The General Welfare: We ask for Your guidance in how to best promote the well-being of our citizens. {1 Corinthians 10:24}
10. The Blessings of Liberty: Thank you for guiding our founders in securing the blessings of liberty for us. Guide us in reclaiming those blessings for ourselves and our posterity. {2 Corinthians 3:17}
11. Rights: Thank you for founders who established this country on the fact that our rights come from You. We as for your divine intervention against all attempts to re-define those rights on man’s terms. {1 Timothy 127:3)
12. Life: Thank you for founders who established this country on the fact that You created all of us equal. We plead for You to lead all Americans to respect and protect the sacred right to life at every stage. {Psalm 127:3}
13. Liberty: Thank you for our founders’ great respect for Your gift of free will, and for pledging their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to establish a government which would protect our God-given right to freedom. {Galatians 5:1}
14. The Pursuit of Happiness: Thank you for our founders’ foresight in establishing our God-given right to pursue our own destiny. Please forgive our futile attempts to pursue happiness apart from you. {Psalm 68:3}
15. Virtue: Please awaken Americans to our founders’ belief that happiness and virtue were one in the same. Return us, O God, to the respect and pursuit of virtue in our private and civic lives. {Philippians 4:8}
16. Ethics: We ask for a rebirth of an understanding between right and wrong. Lead us, O God, in Your ways of thinking, saying and doing the right thing. {Psalm 1:1-3}
17. Truth: We ask for a renewed hunger for Your Truth in our land. {Psalm 25:5}
18. The Church: We plead for an awakening in Your church. Convict us of our responsibility to live and speak your truth and grace into every aspect of our culture. Protect Your church from being absorbed into the ways of this world. Lord, we ask for Your protection from persecution and from all attempts to silence the voice of Your church. {Ephesians 2:19-22}
19. The Poor: Lord, we pray for those who suffer spiritual, relational and/or economic poverty. We especially ask You to move Americans to minister to the true needs of the orphans, widows and prisoners in our communities. {2 Corinthians 8:9}
20. Family: We pray for the healing and restoration of families and the institution of the family. {Colossians 3:18-21}
21. Marriage: We pray for the healing and restoration of marriages, and the institution of marriage. {Ephesians 5:31-32}
22: Manhood/Womanhood: We pray for healing and restoration of true manhood and womanhood, asking for Your wisdom and protection against attempts to re-define our very identity as men and women. {Genesis 1:27}
23. Relationships and Race: We ask for Your protection over all our relationships, humbly asking for Your wisdom as You guide us to love as you love. {Galatians 3:28}
24. Youth/Education: We ask for your divine intervention and protection over our children. Guide their teachers and their parents, to train them up in Your ways. Give them wisdom and courage in this godless culture. {Proverbs 22:6}
25. The Culture/Media/Journalism/Entertainment/The Arts: Father, help us in reclaiming our culture from the strongholds of the enemy. Strengthen, broaden, deepen and give favor to Christian influence on the culture. {Philippians 4:8}
26. Economy/Business/Labor: We ask for Your divine solutions for America’s moral and financial re-birth. {Titus 2:6-8}
27. Health Care/Healing: Guide us, Lord, to Your model for health care and healing in our country. {Proverbs 3:5-6}
28. International Relations: We ask for Your wisdom and strength in all our dealings with other nations. {Psalm 9:7-8}
29. Immigration/Immigrants: Allow us to respond to Your desires for those who would be Americans. {Deuteronomy 24:17}
30. Citizens/Voters: Awaken in the electorate a desire to know the principles upon which America was built. Draw us to Your vision for the restoration of our country. {Proverbs 11:11}
31. Vision: We are thankful that in You, our country can become a “City on a Hill” and your beacon to the word. {Matthew 5:14-16}
My husband mentioned John F Kennedy's quote the other day, "'And so, my fellow Americans - ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.'
Let's change our mindset to what can we DO rather than what do we GET? {2 Chronicles 7:14}
Thanks for joining me in prayer!
What a powerful, powerful post and message. Just what I needed this morning. Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteIt is exactly what we need! Prayer for our country, leaders and even our fellow man. LOVE THIS! Thanks for sharing and loving following your blog!
ReplyDeletelove the prayer list and the perspective!